* warning contains spoilers *


Abram McConnelly - Captain of Naked Lady (Thesla’s Grace), pirate 

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Adrik the Anvil - one armed arms dealer, Khol Uun’s stepfather, pirate, dwarf

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Alistair Popkin - former Lord Protector of “Astonia”, High Council 


Amrynn - Elvenking of Alfrheim nation, son of Valir, high elf


Antiva -Elvenqueen of Alfrheim nation, high elf 


Antithesla the Dark Priest - Fallen cleric of Thesla, true name unknown, pirate


Ashley “Asher” - Lady of Falron turned diamond smuggler, pirate, high elf

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King Aston Popkin - current King of Treland, conspired with Amrynn to take thrown

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Athelstan Whitehammer - former King of Treland, assassinated by Amrynn & Eirwyn 

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Bartolm - wizard residing with the Sandalwood Tribe in Treland, Bardhan elf 


Brex - warrior of the Sandalwood Tribe, Anto Fighter, wood elf

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Lady Brit Thatcher - Lady and former lover of Athelstan, leader of the Resisters against King Aston

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Cass the Sharpshooter - hunter from Treland, aims their longarm rifle true with an immaculate pedicure, pirate


Cullum the Kindhearted - former Bishop of Treland, deceased, killed by Verakin shaman


Devon - tiefling warlock, Feckless Four 


Drystain Popkin - brother to Aston, former bank trustee, has returned to Treland after missing for decades


Eirwyn Sinthorn - Duke of Treland and first chair of the High Council, Eyas’ father, high elf 


Elric Whitehammer - First King of Treland, deceased 


Erika - former Jarl of Bjorheim and wife of Ubbe, deceased, Verakin


Ethan Popkin - Prince of Treland, wyvern rider, current Lord Protector of “Astonia”


Finn Aurora - the Reclaimer of Aurora and brother of Reina, Verakin


Gerald - retired Vipers Order and former leader of Feckless Four, deceased


Giselle - Captain of the Greycloaks, Resister, ranger


Grunyar Duncanyon - High Council, uncle to Khol-Uun and leader of the Ironbar Clan, dwarf

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Heather - First mate to Cpt. Jakkard on the Sea Dogs ship, werewolf, Casanan

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Henri Locke (Thatcher) - founder of the Locke Isles, once a general of Treland, Resister, pirate queen

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Ilana - daughter of Vega, Jarl of Elgrheim and ranger w/ bloodstone magic, Verakin

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Jakkard - attempted to assassinate Faeveren, werewolf captain of the Sea Dogs, pirate, Casanan

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Kara/Vanessa Whitehammer - princess and sister of Athelstan, Eyas’ mother, assassinated by Amrynn


Kila - warrior of the Sandalwood Tribe, Anto Fighter, wood elf


Leon Fite - former Commander of Trelander Knights, current King of Verakin People, Rowdy Boy

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Lumen Yew - Greycloak Ranger, last of the Yew Tribe, wood elf

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Lunessa - Chiefess of the Sandalwood Tribe, wood elf

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Marcus Dumas - Admiral in the Trelander Navy

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Margaret Popkin - current Queen of Treland

Marquez - Viceroy and ambassador from Casana, made treaty with Aston to assist Trelander Navy, Casanan

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Omar - priest of Thesla, Outlander, Casanan

Penvro Gwynn - professor and High Council member, Master Bard, critically harmed by Talan, high elf

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Quincy Popkin - nephew of Aston, First Knight of the Vipers Order and governor of Auchtercrag

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Ragnar Aurora - former King of Verakin, assassinated by Amrynn, Verakin

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Reina Aurora -former Lady of Treland and ex-wife of Alistair, Queen of Verakin 

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Riggs the Artificer - tinkerer and master gunsmith, rock gnome, pirate

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Runa - half-elf-half-Verakin, born to Elvenqueen Antiva and demigod Bjornson, Outlander

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Rutherford - Order of the Stags Knight, captain in the King’s Fleet, part of Three Elite

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Shaelynn - drow elite assassin, murdered Vanessa and escaped, killed by Eyas, Feckless Four

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Selma - Casanan Mayor of Dunaber, has a history with Omar

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Siggi - Elgrheim shaman, tongue cut out by Gerald during assault, saved by Rowdy Boys, Verakin

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Talan - defamed Master Bard, Resister, recovering alcoholic 

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Ubbe - Berserker of the Bjornheim tribe, made Jarl after wife Erika’s death, Verakin

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Varr - drow warlock, partner to Shaelynn, Feckless Four 

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Valir - first Elvenking of Alfrheim, brought elves to Veraheim, assassinated by his son Amrynn, high elf

Vega - Jarl of Elgrheim, father of Ilana, killed by giant, Verakin

pc Guests


Faeveren - renegade daughter of Elvenqueen Antiva and Elvenking Amrynn, high elf

Gaelin - Abbott in the Theslan Church, Mayor of Moorgill, cleric, dwarf

Stone Cold Jane Austen - halfling wrestler, Rory’s friendly nemesis, inflicted by Iclings

animal companions

Aileron - black scaled wyvern mount to Prince Ethan

Alexis - last Peryton of the Verakin, winged elk

Shira - black leopard companion to Giselle 

Uggr - dire bear companion and mount to Ubbe 


Ari - eagle god of death, Verakin Mythology 

Berkona - goddess of spring, Verakin Mythology

Burekk -  god of autumn, Verakin Mythology

Bjornson - son of Burekk and Berkona, brought Springtide w/ elves,
defeated Isvanja, demigod, Verakin Mythology

Elder Bear - spirit of protection, Verakin Mythology

Elder Elk - spirit of provision, Verakin Mythology

Isvanja - goddess awakened by Amrynn, leader of frost giants, killed Nordi, Verakin Mythology

Nordi - god of winter, his magic made the Great Freeze, killed by Isvanja, Verakin Mythology

Thesla - god of the Trelanders, a man burned alive for his beliefs, Trelander History